CLARIFICATION: Help Us Stop Fast Track Now!

To clarify, please address the body of your message to Scott Peters, but email it to with a cc to myself and
Dear Colleagues,

Last week the US Senate introduced a bill to authorize Trade Promotion Authority, also known as Fast Track. We just received word that pro-Fast Track operatives are attempting to expedite this piece of legislation and have it all done by May 1st! Yes, they are trying to fast track Fast Track Authority.

We need your support to step up our efforts now. While workers in San Diego and our surrounding communities are standing up for higher wages, Congress is considering legislation that will speed through corporate-driven trade deals. For decades, fast-tracked trade deals have led to job losses and lower wages. We can’t afford another bad deal that lowers wages and outsources jobs. That’s why we need your help now. This is the AFL-CIO’s highest legislative priority.

***Please help us by personalizing the attached letter and emailing it to Congressman Peters. Please copy myself, Peters’ District Chief of Staff at , and Cassie Purdy at the Labor Council at so we can keep track of the number of letters going in.***

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

In Unity,


Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931
San Diego & Grossmont-Cuyamaca
Community Colleges
