December 11th, 2014
To: All Contract Food Service Workers
RE: Resource Allocation Formula (RAF) Economic Settlement for 2015
I am pleased to share with you two significant economic improvements we have negotiated for all contract food service workers effective January 1, 2015.
First, we have now achieved the same retirement bonus as has been in place for the Office/Technical employees, namely a bonus upon retirement equal to three months of your base salary, provided you give the District a 90 day advance notice of your retirement.
Here is the actual contract language:
Unit members in Food Service job classifications who have reached the age of fifty-five (55) and retire from the District and PERS with at least fifteen (15) years of classified service credit with the District, and who give the District ninety (90) days’ notice of intent to retire, shall receive an additional cash payment equivalent to three (3) months of the unit member’s salary schedule monthly base pay.
Second, we are now moving all contract food service workers on to the same salary schedule as the Office/Technical job classifications. This means an immediate pay increase in January (the amount will vary based on which salary step you are currently on), and then many additional salary steps ahead of you for the next several years.
Enclosed is a copy of the current Food Service and Office/Technical salary schedules so you can see how this will work:
Range 3 of the Food Service schedule will move to Range 1 of the Office/Technical salary schedule.
Range 4 of the Food Service schedule will move to Range 13 of the Office/Technical salary schedule.
Range 5 of the Food Service schedule will move to Range 21 of the Office/Technical salary schedule.
Example 1: A Range 3 Food Service Worker at 0.917 on step G currently earns $2,346.91 per month.
The 1.0 equivalent for that position (still looking at the food service salary schedule) is $2,559.34 per month. Now look to the O/T salary schedule in Range 1 to see which step is equal to or greater than the $2,559.34 per month. That would also (coincidentally) be step G on the O/T schedule, or $2,674.83. Now multiply $2,674.83 by 0.917 to arrive at the new food service worker salary, or $2,452.82 per month, an increase of 4.5%. In addition, there are seven more salary steps ahead of step G for future automatic yearly advancement.
Example 2: A Range 4 Sr. Food Service Worker at 0.833 on step F currently earns $2,410.41 per month.
The 1.0 equivalent for that position (still looking at the food service salary schedule) is $2,893.65 per month. Now look to the O/T salary schedule in Range 13 to see which step is equal to or greater than the $2,893.65 per month. That would be step E on the O/T schedule, or $2,900.20. Now multiply $2,900.20 by 0.833 toarrive at the new Sr. Food Service Worker salary, or $2,415.87 per month, an increase of 2.3%. In addition, there are nine more salary steps ahead of step E for future automatic yearly advancement.
Example 3: A Range 5 Lead Food Service Worker at 0.917 on step H currently earns $3,541.77 per month.
The 1.0 equivalent for that position (still looking at the food service salary schedule) is $3,862.34
per month. Now look to the O/T salary schedule in Range 21 to see which step is equal to or greater than the $3,862.34 per month. That would be step G on the O/T schedule, or $3,880.92. Now multiply $3,880.92 by 0.917 to arrive at the new Lead Food Service Worker salary, or $3,558.80 per month, an increase of 4.8%. In addition, there are seven more salary steps ahead of step G for future automatic yearly advancement.
I hope you see the benefit of these changes to all food service workers, not just in 2015, but in the years to come.
The vehicle through which we are able to make these changes is the new Resource Allocation Formula (RAF) we recently concluded negotiating with the District. You can view these documents in their entirety by going to on your computer (or your friend’s computer).
Enclosed you will find a ballot to ratify the economic settlement detailed above, and the new Resource Allocation Formula. Your AFT Guild Executive Council urges you to vote YES on both items. Please place your ballot in the enclosed self-mailing business reply mail envelope and return it postmarked no later than Friday, December 19th (the earlier you can mail this in the better).
Please don’t hesitate to contact me or any of your AFT site reps if you have any questions regarding this settlement. I apologize for the late notice, but this was the best we could do with such a complex settlement to ensure these new provisions are reflected in your January 31st, 2015 paycheck.
I wish you and your families a very warm and restful holiday season!
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931