Message sent on behalf of Chancellors Miles and Carroll: Recommendation to ACCJC from CEOs re: CCSF Accreditation

Jim Mahler
Tuesday, June 10, 2014 9:25 PM
Please distribute far and wide:
Message sent on behalf of Chancellors Cindy Miles and Constance Carroll
June 9, 2014
Dear Drs. Amador and Beno:
We want you to be aware of an effort that is underway among the CEOs of California’s community colleges to advise ACCJC as to actions we hope to see regarding City College of San Francisco. Because this is an urgent matter, we are sending you our statement today with the initial 35 signatories received today, and we ask you to share it with the Commissioners.  We will send you a final letter on June 16, which will include the same statement, as well as the final list of signatories.
We the undersigned Chancellors, Superintendent/Presidents, and Presidents of California’s community colleges urge the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges to provide an extension of 12 to 18 months for City College of San Francisco to complete the enormous progress it has been making under its current leadership to comply with all standards of accreditation and to maintain its accredited status during this period.  We urge the Commission to either follow its current policy or create a revised policy to enable this extension, perhaps calling a special meeting of the Commission for this purpose.  We believe that this action is in the best interests of the 80,000 students of City College of San Francisco, the City and County of San Francisco, the California Community Colleges, and the State of California.    
Thank you for your consideration.  We urge you to act on this recommendation.
Dr. Cindy Miles
Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District
Dr. Constance M. Carroll
San Diego Community College District
Dr. Cindy Miles, Chancellor, Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD
            Dr. Constance M. Carroll, Chancellor, San Diego CCD
            Dr. Francisco Rodriguez, Chancellor, Los Angeles CCD
            Dr. Brian King, Chancellor, Los Rios CCD
            Dr. Sandra Serrano, Chancellor, Kern CCD
            Dr. Helen Benjamin, Chancellor, Contra Costa CCD
            Dr. Ned Doffoney, Chancellor, North Orange County CCD
Dr. Ron Galatolo, Chancellor, San Mateo County CCD
Dr. Rita M. Cepeda, Chancellor, San Jose-Evergreen CCD
Dr. Linda M. Thor, Chancellor, Foothill-De Anza, CCD
Dr. Melinda Nish, Superintendent-President, Southwestern CCD
Mr. Robert Deegan, Superintendent-President, Palomar CCD
Dr. Dick Robertson, Interim Superintendent-President, MiraCosta CCD
Dr. Victor Jaime, Superintendent-President, Imperial CCD
Dr. Mark Rocha, Superintendent-President, Pasadena CCD
Dr. Debbie DiThomas, Superintendent-President, Barstow College
Dr. Peter Allan, Interim Superintendent-President Victor Valley College
Dr. Dena P. Maloney, Superintendent-President, West Kern CCD
Dr. David Viar, Superintendent-President, Glendale CCD
Dr. David Wain Coon, Superintendent-President, Marin CCD
Dr. Cheryl A. Marshall, President, Crafton Hills College
Dr. Byron Clift Breland, President, San Jose City College
Mr. Henry Yong, President, Evergreen Valley College
             Dr. Sunita Cooke, President, Grossmont College
Dr. Mark J. Zacovic, President Cuyamaca College
Dr. Lynn Neault, Interim President, San Diego City College
Dr. Pamela T. Luster, President, San Diego Mesa College
Dr. Patricia Hsieh, President, San Diego Miramar College
Dr. Anthony Beebe, President, San Diego Continuing Education
Dr. Tod A. Burnett, President, Saddleback College
Dr. Rajen Vurdien, President, Fullerton College
Dr. Paul Parnell, President, Norco College
Dr. Bob Simpson, President, Cypress College
Dr. Judy Miner, President, Foothill College
Dr. Brian Murphy, President De Anza College