Labor Studies 108: Labor and Politics

What is the truth behind the murky political rhetoric about ‘special interests’ and ‘union bosses’?

Come learn about the historical and current role of labor unions and American workers in politics and economics.  In addition to giving students a thorough historical background, this course will also deal with the current battle between the Governor and California workers; the pension crisis and San Diego labor politics; NAFTA and globalization; living wage movements; labor and civil rights; women and labor; the Bush Administration and the rise of right wing populism and corporate agenda.

Labor Studies 108:  Labor and Politics

Fall 2005
Tuesday evenings 6-9 at City College in room C-103

Instructor: Jim Miller, Ph.D.
City College Professor and AFT Local 1931 Political Action VP

AFT Members are eligible to receive full reimbursement from AFT for any tuition and books costs not covered in your collective bargaining agreement.

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