Looking for a CC speaker on Minority Gender Gaps in Higher Education

Faculty Colleagues,
The National AFT is looking for somebody with expertise from the community colleges to participate in a workshop on minority gender gaps in higher education at the Civil, Human and Women’s Rights Conference (in New Orleans). If you are interested or have someone to recommend, please respond directly to Connie at ccordovi@aft.org and cc myself.  AFT will pay all travel related expenses.

Begin forwarded message:
From: “Connie Cordovilla, Human Rights & Community Relations” <ccordovi@aft.org>
Date: August 30, 2007 1:12:48 PM PDT
Subject: We are looking for a community college level  speaker on the issue of Minority Gender Gaps in Higher Education

The workshop to be held on Saturday, October 27 from 2:30-4:00 p.m. is as follows:

Workshop 3
Minority Gender Gaps in Higher Education: Facts, Hype and Solutions 
A longstanding problem in higher education in America has been the disparity between the numbers of women and men who enter college and who leave it with a degree.  Males, particularly African American and Hispanic males, are increasingly outnumbered. This workshop will discuss the causes, implications and ways to address this gender disparity equitably.


Presenters:     Andresse St. Rose, AAUW

        University Level Researcher on Gender Gap
Community College Level Researcher on Gender Gap

Constance T. Cordovilla
Associate Director
Human Rights and Community Relations
W:  202-879-4490
F:   202-393-8648
E:   ccordovi@AFT.org

American Federation of Teachers
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20001-2079