AFT Guild Union Meeting this Thursday, March 6th – Grossmont College

Dear AFT Guild Members,

Just a friendly reminder that our next AFT Guild Union meeting will be held this Thursday, March 6th beginning at 3:00pm at Grossmont College in building 60, the Griffin Center, room 180 (south end of building). There is ample parking in the parking structure northeast of the building, and also in the parking lot directly south of the building.

We will also be having a Zoom webinar option where you will be able to listen in to the meeting.

Attached is the tentative agenda for this Thursday’s meeting. We will be voting on the following items:

a) $100,000 Donation to Alliance San Diego for immigrant/undocumented student support

b) $100,000 Donation to ACLU for immigrant/undocumented student support

c) $5,000 Donation SD Labor and Activist Voices project for UC Labor Center/CPI

d) $5,000 COPE Donation to SD County Dem Party for 45th Annual Roosevelt Dinner

Please let me know if you have any items you would like to see added to the agenda.

After the meeting we will meet up for our “after party” at Pioneer BBQ, 8622 Lake Murray Blvd. San Diego, CA 92119. All Guild members are welcome to join us! Rain or shine!

Hope to see you Thursday!

In Solidarity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931