Call for Proposals for AFT Guild Mini-Conference!

Calling all AFT Guild Members!

We want YOU to share your expertise at AFT Guild’s Mini-Conference: Know Your Power on Friday, April 25, 9:00 – 3:00

Power is often thought of zero-sum game: there are a few who have it and the rest of us are powerless. This concept of power is finite and results in competition to wield a limited amount of power. AFT believes and models power as a renewable resource. With this understanding, power is nurtured in community and shared with all. Instead of “power over something,” we believe in “power to do” and “power with each other.”

The goal of this mini-conference is to give AFT members a chance to connect and learn from one other. You’ll have the chance to share experiences in your areas, disciplines and departments, dig into questions about good practices, and create connections with colleagues across service areas, departments, campuses and districts. Please submit a proposal and share your power!

What we’re looking for

  • Diverse topics While the theme is Know Your Power, what this mini-conference aims to do is to share our experiences and learn together. We have four different tracks:
    • Power in AFT Community
      • Did you participate in any of AFT’s AI classes or programs like M&M, Leadership 101, or the Intern program? We invite you to put together a panel and share what you’ve learned!
    • Power in Pedagogy
      • Have you changed your classroom practices, revamped course content, or created a new Canvas shell? Please submit a proposal and share how that has empowered your students!
    • Power in Service
      • This track is specifically designed for classified professionals to share the work they are doing in their areas. Is your outreach program empowering students to return to college? Share that with us!
    • Power in Research
      • Did you take a sabbatical in the past two years? Are you doing research in your discipline? We want you to include us in your passion and tell us about it!

For more information, please see attached or email

To submit a proposal, CLICK HERE!

The deadline for submitting proposals is Midnight on Friday, March 21, 2025. We’ll notify you of presenters by noon on Monday, April 7, 2025.