2016 GCCCD RAF Economic Settlement

Dear GCCCD Colleagues,
Just in time for the holidays, I am pleased to report that we have reached agreement with the District on our economic package for 2016!  This means for the first time ever–no retro. checks!  Please click here to cast your ratification vote.
The details of the package are as follows:
•  Across the board salary increase on all adjunct faculty salary schedules of 4.60%.
•  Across the board salary increase on all contract faculty salary schedules of 2.00%.
•  Elimination of all “extra-pay” and “substitute” salary schedules.  Effective next semester, all faculty who work overload or as a substitute will be paid off the same adjunct faculty salary schedule.  Recall that the current contract faculty extra-pay schedule is more than 2% lower than the adjunct faculty schedule, and the substitute pay schedule is much lower than that.  This change will result in compensating everyone who works an hourly assignment equally.
•  Increases the percentage on all adjunct faculty salary schedules between salary Class II and Class III from 2.0% to 5.0%.  This is one further step toward closing the equity gap that exists between the contract and adjunct faculty schedules.
•  Increases the percentage between steps 15-16 on the contract faculty salary schedule from 2.00% to 2.60%.
•  Increases the percentage between steps 16-17 on the contract faculty salary schedule from 0.53% to 1.40%.  (Our goal is to eventually increase all step increments to 2.60%.)
•  Makes an additional payment of 0.5% toward adjunct faculty dependent healthcare costs.  We still “owe” 0.25% to the District that we will pay off as part of next year’s settlement.
•  Increases the reassigned time for the EOPS chair at Grossmont to 37.5% (this was overlooked in our last negotiation round when we increased the reassigned time for all department chairs).
•  Increases Head Coaching Stipends to $7,000 for all sports.
•  Provides 10 month Chair/Coordinators with a stipend in consideration of their unpaid work during the summer and winter breaks (see attached chart).  This new stipend will be paid every June 30th and is in addition to the current formula we have been using over the past several summers for summer chair work.  Departments with co-chairs will need to determine how to share this stipend as you currently do with your departmental reassigned time.
Attached please find copies of the new salary schedules which will become effective January 1, 2016.  The current (soon to be old) salary schedules can be found here for comparison.  You will see these new salary amounts reflected in your January 31st, 2016 paycheck.
Please do not hesitate to contact me or any of your AFT site representatives if you have any questions.  Since this coming week is finals week, we will not be holding our usual on-campus AFT Liaison meetings.  If you would like to have a face-to-face meeting, I will be holding open office hours at the AFT office on Friday, December 11th, from 11:00am – 5:00pm.  Please call 619-640-1155 to schedule an appointment if you would like to meet with me to discuss any part of this package in greater detail.
Please click here to cast your ratification vote on this package.  The voting will close at 5:00pm next Friday, December 11th.  Your AFT Guild Executive Council strongly urges your “YES” vote on this package.
I wish you and your families a restful holiday season!
In Unity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931

San Diego & Grossmont-Cuyamaca

Community Colleges