By Geoff Johnson, AFT VP for Adjunct Faculty, Mesa College Even before the COVID pandemic struck, approximately 33 California community college districts offered no healthcare coverage to part-time faculty. Of the remaining 39 that do, only four, including the San...

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In Brief: From Starbucks to Amazon to Schools, Union Organizing and Militancy is Rolling Across the Country
Apr 21, 2022
Promising Wave of Union Victories “The recent, much-publicized wave of union victories in the US at companies as varied as the giant coffee chain Starbucks, trendy outdoor outfitters REI and media group the New York Times is spurring hopes that this will somehow turn...
The High Costs of Declining College Enrollments, by Jim Miller
Jan 31, 2022
Classes start today at San Diego City College, and while I am always happy to meet a new group of students, the unfortunate fact is that there are increasingly fewer of them at our colleges. City College is up a tad in terms of enrollment compared to other colleges in...
Murderous Inequality is the Central Fact of Our Time, by Jim Miller
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We are beginning to see some glimmers of hope that the Omicron wave is cresting in California and the nation at large. While there will surely be more suffering and chaos in hospitals, schools, and workplaces in the coming weeks, many medical experts are speculating...
San Diego Workers Make Their Voices Heard
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There’s been a lot of talk in the national media and elsewhere recently about the new worker militancy. From #Striketober to #Strikesgiving to #Strikemas, many inside and outside the American labor movement have been celebrating the emergence of an ongoing wave of...
AFT Passes Resolution in Support of Reproductive Justice and Gender Equality
Jan 31, 2022
At our AFT, 1931 general meeting in November, the membership unanimously voted to pass the following resolution reaffirming reproductive justice and gender equality. In the wake of the assaults on reproductive rights in Texas and at the Supreme Court level, AFT 1931...