By Ian Duckles and Kelly Mayhew, AFT Vice Presidents As you hopefully know there is a major push across the community colleges for what is known as Guided Pathways. This is an initiative from the California State Chancellor’s office that is intended to address...

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12 Reasons Labor Should Demand a Green New Deal
Dec 12, 2018
BY JEREMY BRECHER AND JOE UEHLEIN Labor shouldn't just back the Green New Deal, it should help lead the way. (Michael Brochstein/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images) Workers have gotten a raw deal. Employers and their Republican allies are trying to eliminate...
Lessons for Labor Day 2018: Solidarity Works!
Aug 31, 2018
It has been the worst of times and the best of times for the American Labor Movement in 2018. Economic inequality has continued to spiral out of control as policy coming out of Washington, DC designed to tilt the scales in favor of the rich and corporations weakened...
Wages of Inequality Keep Growing
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