AFT Guild

Please Help Spread the Word About the VEBA Strength Challenge!


Southern California Schools VEBA is excited to announce our new Strength Challenge!

It’s time to register for this exciting Challenge.

The VEBA Strength Challenge is an 8-week program intended to gently introduce you to strength training, or to assist you, if you are already doing strength training. Strength training is important for proper muscle balance, injury prevention and rehabilitation, maintaining full functionality with aging, slowing down the aging process, increasing your metabolism, weight loss, and overall health. Everyone should be doing strength training! Don't miss out on this exciting way of taking charge of your health!

When: February 23 – April 19

·         Once you register (see below), you will receive a Fitness kit in the mail. This is all that you will need.

·         You will receive weekly emails with valuable information and your bi-weekly goals. The weekly email topics will include: avoiding plateaus, progression, safety, calisthenics, free weights, gyms, tubing, stretching, avoiding injuries, nutrition performance, and more.

How the Program Works (Applies to all district employees and dependents over age 18 years)

1. Equipment Needs
The only items you will need are a resistance band, which is provided to you by mail, the Welcome Kit document you download from, and a willingness to participate!

2. Registration
Go online at to fill out the registration information and sign the liability waivers. If you do not have access to a computer and are unable to get online please contact for alternatives.

3. Personal Health Coaching*
If you are an employee covered under VEBA health insurance benefits, you are encouraged to complete the Health Status Survey, which is available online when you register. If the results of the Health Status Survey show that you are eligible for Personal Health Coach Services based on your health status, your information will be forwarded to a health coach and they will contact you during the first couple weeks of the Challenge. All health information will be kept strictly confidential. If you would like more information, feel free to contact  or call 619-466-4386.

4. Strength Program Selection
You will complete the strength tests provided in Welcome Kit before you start the program. Report your results to our health coach at

There are three program options to meet your individuality, 1) structured strength challenge, which is our program; 2) free form, which is a strength routine you already participate in; or 3) an adaptive program for those who may need a specialized workout routine designed for them by one of our health coaches

5. Weekly Communication
Each week after the start of the program, you will receive an email giving strength goals for the week. To help achieve your goals, we will also send you valuable tips to help you achieve your goals.

6. Tracking Your Progress
On February 23rd, the program will begin. A minimum of two times per week, you will keep track of strength exercises you do and track your progress.  A work out card is included in the Welcome Kit.

7Make Up Your Own
You are encouraged to form strength workout groups at your work site. You will receive tips and ideas for additional strength activities in the weekly emails. Twice during the challenge, there will be optional group workout sessions to give you additional strength training ideas and tools.

7. The Finish Line
After the eighth week, take the strength tests again. Report your results to our health coach at may be amazed at how much progress you have made!

8. The Reward*
Of course feeling better and being fit is its own reward and you will have new-found friends to help support your healthy habits. However, if you are an employee and a VEBA member receiving medical benefits, you can collect points throughout the year towards the merchandise of your choice. How do you earn points? You will gain points every time you register for a health and fitness challenge, complete a health assessment, and a wide variety of other health affirming activities.

* NOTE: Health coaching and rewards are only available to those employees receiving health insurance benefits through VEBA.