AFT Guild

May is Safe Jobs for Youth Month


It’s time to get the word out:
Having a job as a teenager can be great.  Young workers earn money, learn responsibility, and get new skills.  But is the work safe?  Have they been trained?  Do they know what to do if there is a problem?
Visit to find out what you can do to educate and protect working teens!
On the website you will find:

  • An updated, downloadable Safe Jobs for Youth Month Resource Kit (teaching activity, community service suggestions, the winning poster, tips for parents, and more)
  • 2009 Teen Poster Contest winners
  • 2009 Teen Video Public Service Announcement Contest winners
  • And lots more info for teens, parents, teachers and employers 

May is Safe Jobs for Youth Month.
The Resource Kit can be downloaded, or to request hard copies or posters, contact Donna at 510-643-8902 or
U.C. Berkeley Labor Occupational Health Program, California Partnership for Young Worker Health and Safety, sponsored by the California Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation.  510-643-8902.