AFT Guild

An Open, Active, Vital, Membership-Driven Organization



Please send this message to your wait listed students

What Can I Do to Get the Classes I Need?

I wish I could enroll you in my class; however, the number of students that I can reasonably teach, assist, give feedback to and assess in this course has been reached. I wish I could help!

I know how frustrating it is when you are trying to enroll in courses at our college and you keep finding that the classes are full. Here you are trying to get an education to move forward in your life and the doors to opportunity seem to keep slamming in your face.

The state of California has cut funding to our colleges even as they have raised fees. When the legislators and the governor cut funding for higher education what they are telling colleges is “You need to offer fewer classes and hire fewer teachers to teach them.” This is what is impacting your access to classes.

However, there is something that YOU can do. You have a vote and your vote matters to the decision makers. You need to contact your legislator and let him or her know that you are upset. You can contact the legislators who represent your area for by going to:

Once you enter your address zip code it will give you the names of the legislators who want your vote in the future. By clicking on their names and then on “contact us” you will be able to send them an e-mail. An even stronger impression is made if you mail them a letter or call their office. I urge you to make your opinions heard. Money for higher education and the availability of classes, whether at the community college, the Cal State Universities or the UCs is not going to improve until YOU make it a priority for the powers that be!