AFT Guild

An Open, Active, Vital, Membership-Driven Organization



Join us in solidarity with Occupy San Diego!


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Show your Solidarity with Occupy San Diego!

Occupy Wall Street and the greater national Occupy movements are demanding Wall Street and Big Banks be held accountable for what they did to our economy. We are all the 99% and we are standing together to restore our voices; we want good jobs and an end to raging inequality, we want our democracy back!

The Occupy Movement is doing an enormous service by focusing our attention on the people who destryoed our economy and the urgent need to stop the bleeding and begin repairing the enormous damage this economic collapse has done to all but the very wealthiest among us. We must support the Occupy Movement and join them in these efforts!

Join us this Friday evening for a Solidarity Sleepover at Occupy San Diego!
What: Solidarity Sleepover
When: Friday, October 28 beginning at 8 p.m. 
Where: Occupy San Diego, 1190 3rd Ave, San Diego

Transfer your money from the big banks to a local credit union on Withdrawal Wedne$day as part of the national Move Your Money action! 
What: Rally and action to take back power from Bank of America and Wells Fargo
When: Wednesday, November 2 at Noon
Where: Meet at 5th & B St in Downtown San Diego

We hope you will join us at these upcoming actions and will continue to support Occupy San Diego in whatever way you can!