AFT Guild

CFT Committee Member Solicitation


CFT committees play a crucial role in the development and implementation of CFT policy. Committee members are chosen from all segments of the CFT from pre-school to the University of California.  Committee members are appointed for two-year terms after the convention in odd-numbered years.

The committees meet three or four times a year, usually on a Saturday, alternating between northern and southern California.  All travel expenses are paid by the CFT.

We need to take advantage of all the skills, knowledge, and abilities that our members possess. Committee participation is also a good way to build activism and sophistication of within the CFT and the labor movement in general.

Below are brief descriptions of the CFT committees with a link to most for more information.  I have also listed current Guild members serving on some of these committees.

Please let me know if you have an interest in serving on any of these committees.

In Unity,

Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931


            •  Adult Education Committee
Roma Weaver, Arman Demesa

Elena Adams, Marne Foster

Tina Solorzano, Christie Allred, Virginia Escalante

Susheela Narayanan, Berta Harris

Ann Marie Damrau, Beth Bogage, Jane Cranston

Gerald Vanderpot

Antoinette Griffin