AFT Guild

Proposed 2009-2010 Academic Calendar

Dear Colleagues,

I wanted to share with you the proposed calendar for the 2009-10 year 
as a result of our recent calendar committee negotiations.

Elements this calendar contains which I believe are positive changes 
from the current year calendar:

• Better balance between MW & TTh class session meeting times.

• Fewer non-classroom days.

One negative aspect of this calendar, in order to ensure we had a good 
balance of instructional days, is that we had to move Veterans Day to 
Friday instead of recognizing it on its official day of Wednesday, 
November 11th.

Other than those changes, this proposed 2009-10 calendar looks pretty 
much the same as the current year's calendar.

Please send me your feedback, positive or negative, regarding this 
calendar proposal so we can move forward and finalize it.

In Unity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931