AFT Guild  

Adjunct Maximum Load Increased to 67%

Dear Colleagues,

Soon after enabling legislation was signed by the Governor this past July, we put forth a proposal to the District regarding raising the limit on adjunct faculty assignments to the new legally permissible level of 67%.  Yesterday we reached agreement with the District on changes to the college faculty collective bargaining agreement which will allow this new limit to take place when the bill becomes law, effective January 1, 2009.

These changes will permit all adjunct faculty to receive an assignment up to 60% with approval of the dean (as opposed to 54% as is current practice), and in special cases allow assignments right up to the legal limit of 67% with the approval of the VP (as opposed to 60% as is current practice).

The modified language to the collective bargaining agreement is as follows:

5.2.1            Maximum Allowable FTEF

            (a)               The District shall attempt to ensure, whenever practicable, that the annualized FTEF assignment for any adjunct faculty member does not exceed 50% (fifty percent) 67% (sixty-seven percent) during any one academic year.  In cases where 50% (fifty percent) annualized assignments are difficult to achieve due to scheduling constraints, the annualized FTEF assignment may reach 54% (fifty-four percent).

(b)       All adjunct assignments of 54% (fifty-four percent) 60% (sixty percent) FTEF and below are subject to approval of the school dean.  In exceptional cases, annualized FTEF assignments may exceed 54% (fifty-four percent) 60% (sixty percent) upon recommendation of the school dean and approval of the appropriate vice-president.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

In Unity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931